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Headquartered in London, National Grid PLC (NGG) is a multinational electricity and gas utility company with principal activities in the U.K. and Northeastern U.S.
The company owns and maintains the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales. As the owner and operator of the only gas transmission infrastructure in the U.K., all of the nation's natural gas passes through National Grid's national transmission system.
For this reason, NGG as stakeholders in gas are likely to be wary of hydrogen, rather than embrace SmartNet™ type service stations, where natural gas as an energy source may eventually be replaced by green hydrogen, as a renewable source, rather than continue to use a fossil fuel, but load levelling of solar and wind renewables may not be a high priority - as carriers, rather than energy generators.
For this reason NGG may not be as focused on the potential for supply of electricity for electric vehicles, especially robotic vehicles such as robotaxis and robotrucks, as a departure from their present business model, too far reaching in terms of immediate revenue returns.
As of 2019, National Grid had approximately 22,000 employees, £15.25 billion in revenue, and a $45.78 billion market capitalization.
Duke Energy Corporation, DUK, N. Carolina, USA Dominion Energy Inc., Richmond, Virginia Exelon Corporation EXC, Chicago, USA KEPCO Korean Electric Power Corporation National Electric Grid & Central Electricity Authority (India) National Energy Board (Canada) National Grid plc (formerly Central Electricity Generating Board UK) Next
Era Energy Inc. Florida, USA Southern Company, Atlanta, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, USA State Grid Corporation of China TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company
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