chances of there being intelligent life in other galaxies is remote, especially
as the moment a species evolves to be able to exploit their planet, they
inevitably destroy their home by exhausting their natural resources, in
a kleptocratic
frenzy. Let
us hope there is still some intelligent life
on earth concerning the sustainability development goals.
Lima – Paris Action Agenda
Transport contributes almost one-quarter (23 percent) of the current global energy-related
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and is growing faster than any other energy end-use
GHG emissions from transport are anticipated to rise from today’s levels by nearly 20 percent
by 2030 and close to 50 percent by year 2050 unless major action is undertaken.
Limiting the global temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius requires changing this
transport emissions trajectory, which involves the development of an integrated
electro-mobility ecosystem encompassing various transport modes, coupled with the
low-carbon production of electricity and hydrogen, implemented in conjunction with broader sustainable
transport principles.
According to the International Energy Agency, this transition will require, inter alia, pursuit
of global rail transport electrification, already underway, as well as at least 20 percent of all
road transport vehicles globally to be electrically driven by 2030 – if warming is to be
limited to 2 degrees or less. Of this, light vehicles would primarily contribute: more than 400
million two and three-wheelers in 2030, up from roughly 230 million today; and more than
100 million cars in 2030, up from 1 million today.
To achieve this goal IEA modelling says electric drive vehicles (battery-electric, plug-in
hybrid, and fuel cell
vehicles, including two and three wheelers, cars, light commercial vans,
buses, trucks and others) need to represent 35 percent of global sales in 2030.
We, the undersigned, acknowledge the scale of the challenge and the scope of opportunity.
With varying mandates, capabilities, and circumstances, we commit to advance our work
individually as well as collectively wherever possible to increase electro-mobility to
levels compatible with a less-than 2-degree pathway.
We also call on governments at all levels, businesses, cooperative initiatives, and others to
commit to this Declaration, take action, and advance global momentum for electro-mobility.
in November of 2021 is important, to firm up the above Declaration, and Paris Agreement
generally from the COP21 Conferences
of the Parties.

chances of there being intelligent life in other galaxies is remote, especially
as the moment a species evolves to be able to exploit their planet, they
inevitably destroy their home by exhausting their natural resources, in
a kleptocratic
frenzy. Let
us hope there is still some intelligent life
on earth concerning the sustainability development goals.
Partners – including governments at all levels, businesses, organizations and others –endorse the common vision and succinctly explain how their individual or collective efforts contribute to the Declaration.
Support for the Electro-Mobility Declaration and Call to Action:
Avere-Europe & Avere-France
Summary: Avere-France is a professional association representing the French
electro-mobility sector. Its mission is to make the promotion of the growth of
electric vehicles in France.
Time-frame: Not applicable.
Reporting: Not applicable.
Lead or sponsoring Entity(s): Not applicable.
Partners: Not applicable.
Contact: Marie Castelli, General Secretary;
ChargePoint Electric Vehicle Charging
Clean Air Asia (Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center, Inc.)
Summary: Clean Air Asia is an international non-governmental organization that
catalyzes action for clean air and livable cities in Asia. We work with government
agencies and cities in Asia, private sector and development agencies to provide
leadership and technical knowledge in 4 core programs, namely, Air Quality and
Climate Change, Green Freight and Logistics, Low Emissions Urban Development,
and the Clean Fuels and Vehicles. Our Clean Fuels and Vehicle program recognizes the role of electro-mobility in bringing cleaner air into Asian cities.
Time-frame: Not applicable.
Reporting: Not applicable.
Lead or sponsoring Entity(s): Not applicable.
Partners: Clean Air Asia works closely with its Partnership which is set up as a UN
Type II partnership and shares the guiding principles of the World Summit on
Sustainable Development. The Partnership consists of more than 250 members
from city governments, national government agencies, NGOs and academe, international development agencies and foundations and the private sector.
Contact: Alvin Mejia, Transport Program Manager.;
+632 6311042
Websites: Clean Air Asia:
Clean Fuels & Vehicles Programme:
Clean Air Asia Partnership:
Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI)
Geographical coverage: Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan,
Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United
Summary: EVI is a multi-government policy forum established in the framework of the Clean
Energy Ministerial and dedicated to accelerating the introduction and adoption of electric
vehicles worldwide. In particular, EVI seeks to facilitate the global deployment of 20 million
electric vehicles, including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, by 2020. EVI
will enable progress toward this goal by: (1) encouraging the development of national
deployment goals; (2) collecting and disseminating information on best practices and
policies allowing to achieve those goals, and encouraging their adoption; (3) involving cities
to share experiences and lessons learned from early electric vehicle deployment in urban
areas and regions; (4) sharing information on public investment in RD&D programs to ensure
that the most crucial global gaps in vehicle technology development are being addressed;
and (5) engaging private-sector stakeholders to better align expectations, discuss the
respective roles of industry and government, and focus on the benefits of continued
investment in electric vehicle technology innovation and electric vehicle procurement for
Time-frame: Since 2010
(EVI establishment)
Reporting: Progress towards the EVI goal will be monitored by regular updates of the Global
EV Outlook publication, a collective undertaking of EVI member governments gathering
primary data and information on the deployment of electric vehicles, electric vehicle supply
equipment, the progress in cost reduction and energy density of batteries and the level of
investment on research, development and demonstration.
Lead or sponsoring Entity(s): Clean Energy Ministerial, U.S. Department of Energy
Contact: Daniel Noll,
EV4SCC (Electric Vehicle for
Smart Cities and
Geographical coverage: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Ireland, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, The Netherlands, United Kingdom.
Summary: EV4SCC is a collaborative platform to mobilize a Europe-wide dialogue on
the potential for EVs to be integrated with smart city initiatives. Today, EV4SCC is
recognized as a key lead initiative under the Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Cluster
of the Market Place of the EIP SCC, run by the European Commission.
Time-frame: Started October 2014; No anticipated end date
Lead or sponsoring Entity(s): Urban Foresight
Cities & Regions: Ærø, Albertslund, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Capital Region of
Denmark (Region Hovedstaden), Copenhagen, Dundee, Kolding, Middelfart,
Newcastle, Thisted, Vallensbæk, Vejle, Cross River Partnership (London/ FREVUE
project), Suceava Municipality, Île-de-France Europe
Government agencies and PPPs: Austria Tech, ProjectZero in Sonderborg,
Transport Scotland
Global Companies: IBI Group, KEBA KeMove, Michelin, Nissan, Orange
Industry and Non-governmental organisations: Alternatives Européennes,
BridgingIT, CLEAN, Dansk Elbil Alliance, Insero e-mobility, VDI/VDE IT
SMEs & Consultancy: Edenway, GreenWay, Industrial Electric Vehicle-IEV, IS
Communications, Joannneum Research, Kneeshaw Consulting, Route Monkey,
Safra, Savjetura, TEV Project, Ubitricity, Urban Foresight
Research organisations: CIRCE, Designskolen Kolding, IREC, SP Sveriges Tekniska
Forskningsinstitut, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Mobi – Vrije
Universiteit Brussel
Transport service providers: Autolib (Paris), Move About, Arriva Denmark, Køge
Delebil Energy companies: ESB, e.on Denmark, Vindenergi Danmark Amba
Contact: Karine
Website: Urban Foresight:
FIA Foundation
Global Fuel Economy Initiative
Industry Pledge COP21 to Achieve Electro-mobility Goals
International Energy Agency
International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance (ZEV Alliance)
Michelin Worldwide
Move Climate Challenge
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
Polis – European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions
Renault-Nissan Alliance
- Worldwide
Summary: Electric vehicles are an available solution to mitigating climate change
issues. The Renault-Nissan Alliance has been a pioneer in developing and massmarketing a full line-up of electric vehicles since 2010.
As market leader, we commit to pursue and reinforce this strategy. Electric vehicles
environmental benefits will be maximized only if they represent a significant portion
of total global sales. This critical mass requires an holistic approach involving private
and public actors.
Tesla Motors
- Worldwide
Summary: Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to
sustainable transportation.
Contact: Khobi Brooklyn, Director of Communications,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- Global
Summary: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is a leading global partner in
initiatives to reduce vehicle emissions. UNEP will support electric mobility at global,
regional and national level with a focus on emerging economies. Activities for the next 3
years include 3 regional assessments, 15 pilot country projects, 4 regional projects and a
global toolkit, and activities will focus on electric busses, light duty vehicles and
Reporting: UNEP will report progress in E-mob at the UN Environment Assembly every
two years as well as through reporting mechanisms of the Global Fuel Economy
Lead or sponsoring Entity(s): UNEP, with support of the European Commission, Global
Environment Facility, FIA Foundation, and others.
Partners: In addition to the sponsoring organizations listed, partners include: Clean Air
Asia (Philippines), Mario Molina Center Chile (Chile), CEGESTI (Costa Rica), CEDARE
(Egypt), Sustainable Transport Africa (Kenya).
Contact: Mr. Rob de Jong, Head Transport Unit, UNEP;
Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Zero Emissions Urban Bus System (ZeEUS) by International Association of Public Transport
Action Agenda
Tracy Raczek, UN Secretary-General Executive Office:
How to Join:
Information and commitments were submitted online (no longer a live
link) via:

Nations' climate summits are known as COP = Conference Of the Parties. This is the
26th, meaning twenty-six years during which these global discussions have been unable to put in place a binding action plan to save us from global warming. On 28 May 2020, the COP Bureau decided that it would take place from 1-12 November 2021, in Glasgow, UK