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There is an abundance of clean wind and solar energy that can produce green hydrogen and electricity to charge vehicle batteries, but there is no transport infrastructure to support rapid energy exchanges. Nor is there an infrastructure for hydrogen fuelled EVs.
A Better Place to Live - Planet Earth A - Z electricity prices internationally and locally A - Z index of electricity generating utilities and national grids Age of Electricity - A short history of electricity generation AI - Artificially intelligent self driving automated vehicles Ammonia - Future proofing investments Argentina - Electricity prices Argo AI - US autonomous self driving development supported by Ford & VW Arwen - UK storm Aurora & Uber - Self driving robotic taxis Australasian electricity prices (Australia, New Zealand & Tasmania) Automated
and Electric Vehicle Act 2018 -
1. Listing AVs the Secretary of State - Schedule consequential amendments - Introduction, Sec State Listing, AutoX - Self driving robotaxis in China, Dongfeng & Alibaba investors Baidu - Apollo robotaxis at the Beijing Olympics in 2022 Batemans - Rudyard Kipling's home electricity generation for 10 Ediswan glass lamps Battery Storage Barra - Storm Bill - Proposed Act of Parliament: Modernisation and Re-Nationalisation 2025 Bio Diesel - Fuels produced from organic produce or recycled cooking oils BMW i3 - Main dealer servicing costs in East Sussex, England BP - British Petroleum's electric vehicle rapid plug-in charging stations Canadian Board national electricity grid - prices Cash - Paying for servicing or buying a car in the UK, with pound notes is almost impossible Chicken and Egg Situation - Solving the EV infrastructure puzzle China state national electricity grid - prices Cleaner Cities - We want them Climate - Help us to change it back Coal fired power stations - Produce dirty electricity and global warming, floods and power cuts Conferences of the Parties - United Nations Climate Change COPs Consortium investment & funding partners Corrie - Storm Cruise LLC - General Motors, Honda and other investors driverless cars Daily Express - November 2022, Wasted energy costs £140 million while bills high Daimler - Electric and autonomous trucks Didi Chuxing - Autonomous self driving robotaxis Diesel & Petroleum - Fossil (Fools) Fuels Dominion Energy Inc. Dudley - Storm bringing power cuts Duke Energy power corporation Electricity - North American USA prices Electrolyzers - Equipment to make hydrogen from water Electric Vehicles - A to Z Electrolyzers - Scaled up industrial electrolysis of water E.ON British electricity generating utility Engie, French electricity generation and distribution Ethanol - C2H6O Ethyl alcohol fermented from grain crops as a bio fuel E5 - E25 mixed with petroleum Eunice - Storm causing power cuts Fossil Fuels - We are addicted to coal, gas and oil, despite it making us ill - Carcinogens and climate change Franklin - Storms causing blackouts Fuel Cells General Electric GE power generation and distribution utility George Westinghouse - Electrical and mechanical engineer, AC pioneer Gladys - Storm Global Twenty - G20 climate changers A to Z Global Warming - And extreme weather Godalming, Surrey - Earliest electric street lighting 1881 Grids - Networks of power transmission lines and cables internationally GridServe - First EV rapid charge plug-in service station, Braintree, Essex, UK Herstmonceux Generating Station - Sussex, England - extant complex from C. 1898 Historic England - Formerly English Heritage History of power transmission and electricity distribution grids Hydrogen - Batteries HydroGrid - Invisible hydrogen national grid for alternative energy infrastructure solutions Holborn Viaduct - Thomas Edison electric light power station 1882, world's first coal powered Iberdrola Spanish electricity generator and distributor India electricity National Grid Authority Insurance - Automated and Electric Vehicles policies Internal Combustion Engines - ICE - Nasty machines that add to global warming and cause lung cancer from particulates ISEE - Robotrucks operating in shipping yards for container handling James May - BBC Top Gear presenter on i3 BMW and Toyota Mirai, hydrogen fuel cell cars Johnny Cabs - The autonomous taxis in the Arnold Schwazenegger film Total Recall Joseph Swan - Inventor of the incandescent carbon filament lamp JVH2 - Jules Verne Hydrogen Trophy - Most economical hydrogen car KEPCO Korean electricity generation and distribution utility Kodiak Robotics - Developers of driverless robotrucks Levels of Automation - 0 no driver assistance - 1 driver assistance, for robotic automobiles - 2 partial automation, hands off - 3 conditional automation, eyes off - 4 high automation, minds off - 5 full automation, no driver input required - 6 fully autonomous AI refuelling Lime Park Heritage Trust - LPHT is a charity aimed at protecting the old Generating Station at Herstmonceux, Sussex Load Levelling - The importance of keeping the grid balanced despite variable demands from renewables Margaret Thatcher - Great British garage sale, sell-off of the National Grid to foreign interests Maryland - Takoma Park, first EV only charging station, USA, Institute Energy Mechanicville - The oldest AC hydro-electric power station 1897, Hudson river, USA Meters - Not so Smart measuring and customer spyware devices Methanol - Future proofing for hedge fund investors and policy makers Middle Eastern electricity prices Mix - Energy, hydrogen Vs battery storage for a sustainable infrastructure MobilEye - Israeli autonomous robtaxi company Momenta - Daimler backed autonomous robotaxi Navya - Autonom robotaxi shuttle Net Zero - What goes up comes down again Next Era electricity distribution Florida, USA Nikola Tesla - 3 phase alternating current (AC) patents NuPort Robotrucks - Autonomous robotic trucking, Toronto, Canada Operations Oxbotica - TRL offroad transport research of 4x4 robotrucks Paris - 2015 Declaration on Electro-Mobility PAYD - Pay As You Drive, automated billing system for battery & hydrogen EVs Pearl Street, New York City - Steam (coal) fired generating station September 1882 Platinum - A precious metal used to make fuel cells - Silicon valley startup with Toyota backing Power Cuts - Because of a lack of back up infrastructure Prices - Electricity charges in different regions depends on dividends to shareholders - Autonomous robotic vehicle Quantum Red Flag Politics - Conflicts of interest REPowerEU - €300billion euro fund to end dependence on Russian fossil fuels Resistance RoboBuses - Autonomous town & city transport RoboCars - Cars that drive passengers autonomously RoboCoaches - Autonomous long range passenger vehicles Robotaxis - Autonomous artificially intelligent city transport Robotrucks - Autonomous heavy goods vehicles RoboVans - Autonomous commercial delivery vans RWE - Neurath & Hamm, Germany, 220MW energy load levelling grid frequency stabilising system Scottish and Southern Electricity distribution utility SDGs - Sustainability Development Goals, United Nations Security - Energy self-sufficiency for reliable politically independent electricity Shell - Rapid plug-in EV charging points Smart Energy International - May 2022, Grid needs long endurance energy storage Smart Networked EV Service Stations Smart Meters - Pros and cons, media reports, high costs, faulty equipment, data privacy in domestic situations Smarter Cities - An electrified infrastructure to support zero emission EVs Solar Power - Electricity generation South Asian electricity prices Southern Company electricity generation and distribution Atlanta, USA Speeding fines, point on driving licenses and bans - could be things of the past Standing Charges - A shameful rip off by billionaires in exchange for no alternative infrastructure investment or R&D Storm Eunice - Friday 18th - Monday 21st February 2022 - power cuts and little back up Storms A to Z index - 2021 to 2022 TEPCO Tokyo electricity power company, Japan Tesla - Robotic self driving cars and trucks Thomas Alva Edison - Inventor of the light bulb USA Trademarks Nice international classification system of goods and services in classes 1 - 45 Trademarks - UK03640193 in classes 1, 4, 9, 12, 37, 39, 42 (May 2021) Transmission - A history of development of generation and distribution of electricity TuSimple - Driverless trucks in the USA UK National Grid plc - Electricity prices Ukraine - Electricity prices UNESCO - United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - 7, 9, 11, 13 Universal smart energy cartridges for autonomous EV servicing USA - Electricity prices Voltages - 110 and 240 volt regions, high voltage transmission lines Volvo - Autonomous solutions, Robotrucks Waabi - Raquel Urtasun's AI software development for self driving vehicles Waymo - Unmanned self driving taxis and trucks WeRide - Chinese autonomous vehicle company, with Mitsubishi, Nissan & Renault investors Wind Power - Electricity generation World War Three - Prevention is better than cure - energy independence Wow-Factor X-Factor Yodeling Zero
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This website promotes zero emission transport from renewable energy in Europe and Internationally. Copyright © Climate Change Trust & Universal Smart Batteries 2025. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. The name SmartNet™ is a trademark.